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Morning Stretching Routine – 15 Minutes To Health And Flexibility

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You are feeling stiff. 

Your lower back is hurting, your shoulder pads feel like stone and there has been an unexplainable tension around the ankles for some time now.

You would like to change the status quo, but with your present energy levels, you are not ready to hit the gym.

Enter, the morning stretching routine!

A morning stretching routine is a fool-proof bet at this point to solve all these issues and get you into the groove for exercising in the long term. 

A stretching routine helps you maintain good blood circulation in the body promoting overall health. It rejuvenates tired muscles and releases happy hormones to elevate your mood naturally

And all you have to invest is 15 minutes.

So, let us get right into it!

9 best stretches for a morning stretching routine

#1. Stretch up and down with legs crossed over 

· Stand with your feet crossed over, as close to each other as possible, while maintaining good balance.

· Interlock your fingers, inhale, and stretch both arms over the head with palms facing the sky. As you exhale, release the arms and bend from the lower back.

· Make sure to make it slow and gentle with complete awareness of the stretch.

· Again, interlock your fingers, inhale and stretch up, look up, and while exhaling bend from the lower back while letting the arms lose. 

· Complete 5 rounds and then switch the legs for another 5.

Contraindications – Be very careful while performing if you have ankle discomfort. Take a call based on the severity of the problem and avoid it in case of bad lower back pain.

#2. Swaying Palm or Tiryaka Tadasana in Sanskrit

· Stand with your feet 1 to 1.5 feet distance. 

· Interlock the fingers and while inhaling, stretch both arms over the head with palms facing the sky. 

· While exhaling bend towards your right side stretching the arms towards the right with elbows straight. To achieve a better stretch let the left hip go out to the side first. 

· While inhaling, come up with both arms stretched up and as you exhale, bend towards your left while you let the right hip go to the side first.

· Do 5 rounds with right and left together making 1 round.

Contraindications – Be very careful while performing if you have neck or shoulder discomfort. Take a call based on the severity of the problem.

#3. Low Lunge with Twisting or Tiryaka Ashwa Sanchalanasana in Sanskrit

· As you inhale bring your palms down on the ground placing the right foot firmly between the palms. Stretch the left leg back with the toe tucked in and the knee straight. Make sure that the right knee and ankle are in one line. Look forward.

· As you exhale, lift and stretch your right arm up, palm facing to the side. While you stretch your arm, open the chest towards the right and look up towards the palm or the roof. 

· Inhale and exhale, bring the right palm back on the ground placing both palms firmly on the ground.

· Interchange the feet. Inhale and bring the left leg between the palms, right leg stretched back with the knee straight and toe tucked in.

· While exhaling, stretch your left arm up and at the same time open your chest towards the left and look up towards the palm or the roof.

· Complete 5 rounds with both right and left legs together making one round

· Take care not to tilt the hips while you twist right and left

Contraindications – Be very careful while performing if you have neck, ankle, or toe discomfort. Take a call based on the severity of the problem.

#4. Dynamic Squat or Dynamic Namaskarasana 

· Squat down while keeping your spine straight or if you cannot for different reasons, do it with the support of a wall. Roll a mat, place it by the wall, and keep your heels on it. Support your back with the wall and keep the spine straight. 

· Bring the palms together into Namaskara Mudra in front of the chest

· As you inhale, bring the elbows inside the thighs, and use the grip to widen the hips as much as you can while keeping the Namaskar Mudra intact. Stretch the spine and look up.

· As you exhale, straighten the elbows and try to bring your knees as close to each other as possible.

· Inhale, widen the hips and exhale, squeeze in, and bring your knees close to each other. 

· Repeat 5 times at your own pace

Contraindications – Not advised for women with a history of uterus prolapse, unless the pelvic. Be mindful of any ankle and heel pain or injury and take a call accordingly.

#5. Dynamic Three-Legged Dog or Ek-Pada Adhomukha Svanasana

· Come on all fours on the ground – knees and palms

· Make sure wrists are in line with the shoulders and knees in line with the hips. 

· Placing the palms firmly on the mat with fingers stretched apart. Tuck in the toes and straighten the knees while pushing the hips up to come into a semi-inverted position. 

· Make sure that the spine is straight by standing only on the toes for the first few seconds and then if comfortable, placing the heels on the ground. You can adjust the distance between palms and feet now.

· Hold the pose and look towards the toes for a few seconds while pushing the hips up.

· Inhale and lift your right leg up with your toes stretched towards the sky. Gaze between the palms. Do not tilt the hips, hips facing the ground. Dig your palms firmly on the ground to intensify the stretch. 

· Exhale bring it down.

· Inhale and lift your left leg up, toes stretched. Try not to tilt the hips; while exhaling bring the leg down

· Complete 5 rounds, with the right and left leg together making one round.

· If the body is stiff initially or not comfortable with the inversion, do the same exercise by placing heels on the wall while down and toes on the wall when stretched up. Everything else remains the same.

Contraindications – People with heart problems or uncontrolled hypertension should not do it. Also not advised in case of vertigo, ear infections, or any kind of cranial lesions. Be very careful if you have a history of shoulder injury.  

#6. Dynamic Spine Bend or Marjariasana in Sanskrit

· Come on all fours – knees and palms. Ensure that legs are hip-width apart and knees in line with the hips. Also, ensure that wrists and shoulders are in one line. Relax the toes.

· As you inhale, curl your hips and neck up and look up making a concave arch with the spine

· As you exhale, curl your spine in the opposite direction rounding it. Tuck in the stomach and engage the core completely. Bring the chin to the chest, and contract the pelvic floor. 

· No breathing while the chin is tucked. Relax when you feel like breathing. 

· Inhale curl up and exhale curl down – complete 5 rounds at your own pace.

Contraindications – Be very careful while performing if you have knee or wrist discomfort. Take a call based on the severity of the problem.

#7. Figure four Stretch

· Lie down on your back

· Bend your knees and place your feet on the ground, hip distance apart. 

· As you inhale, place your lower right leg on the left thigh, crossing the ankle over. At this point your right knee should naturally be pointing sideways- creating a figure 4 shape

· Interlock your fingers behind your left thigh. Gently begin to draw your legs closer to your body, lifting the left leg until it becomes parallel to the ground.

· Keep your spine stretched and tailbone tucked touching the floor, and relax the shoulders. 

· If your neck, shoulders, and upper back are tight you may keep a pillow or a blanket under your head and neck. Count to 5 mentally and then interchange the feet. 

· Complete 5 rounds with left and right foot together making 1 round

Contraindications – Be careful while performing if you knee discomfort. Take a call based on the severity of the problem.

#8. Sleeping Abdominal Twist or Supt Udarakarshan Asana in Sanskrit

· While you are lying on the ground, make a pillow of your palms and keep it under your head.

· Bend your knees placing the feet on the ground and bring the feet together touching each other. Keep a good distance between heels and hips

· While exhaling, bend your knees towards the ground on the right and look towards your left, count to 5. While inhaling, come back.

· Exhale again, bring your knees towards the left on the ground, and look towards your right. Count to 5. While inhaling, come back

· While keeping your legs bent, bring them apart hip distance.

· While exhaling, bend your knees towards the ground on the right and look towards your left, count to 5. While inhaling, come back.

· Exhale again and bend your knees towards the left on the ground and look towards your right. Count to 5. While inhaling, come back.

· Keep one foot over the other, crossing the knees. Bend right and left alternatively as explained above.

· Interchange the feet and repeat the process of bending right and then left with 5 counts each. Relax.

Contraindications – In case of any stomach ulcers, do not do this. It is good for back pain, but does not perform in case of severe back conditions.

#9. Knees to Chest Pose or Apanasana in Sanskrit

· Bend both your knees and bring them to the chest

· Bring both your arms encircling your lower legs and tightly hug them while keeping your lower back on the ground.

· While exhaling completely, bring your forehead or chin to the knees

· Hold it for 10 deep breaths. Not 10 counts, but 10 deep breaths. 

Contraindications – In case of any stomach ulcers or severe back conditions, do not do this. Be careful in case you have neck discomfort, take a call depending on the severity of the condition.

Note: In case you have had a recent surgery or an injury, please consult your Doctor before performing any of the stretches above.

Morning Stretching Routine – Most Powerful Shortcut to Health

You feel not just relaxed but relieved! 

The body and mind connection is not a myth for sure.

You have not felt so light in a long time and you are going through life with a newfound energy. 

You have realized that a morning stretching routine is exactly what you need to open up all that clogged energy in your body. 

It not only makes you healthier but also fills you with a sense of achievement that you carry throughout the day.

If this is how you would like your ‘stiff’ agony to end, mentally prepare yourself to start the routine tomorrow. 

Stretch slowly, mindfully, and with the awareness of breath. Listen to your body and enjoy health and flexibility, always!

Hey, I’m Roli Jain.

I am determined to make this world a healthier and happier place. My only question is, will you be a part of it?

Yes, I want to be healthier |  No, I am completely healthy 

About Me

Roli Jain

I am teaching Yoga since 2018 and it has given my life meaning and purpose. I am dedicated to share Yoga and Vedanta tools with you, so you can achieve the same! Hari Om Tatsat.