You are feeling confused and dull.
Uncertainty rules your mind, coupled with a complete lack of inspiration.
What will happen? What is happening?
Where are we going?
I won’t blame you. We live in challenging times.
There is one thing, though, that has stood the test of time.
The words of great men, men of wisdom and experience.
Men who saw it all, men of yoga and spirituality – men of self-realization.
I found inspiration in these difficult times in these awesome quotes by legendary spiritual masters.
Deep spiritual quotes that can give you hope even in the most uninspired times. We have a long way to go, and this is not the end.
Deep spiritual quote #1.
Ramkrishna Paramhamsa
The Winds of Grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail
The Universe has given us everything necessary to keep us peaceful and even happy. But, the moment we start judging things and putting our expectations as a measure of what comes our way, there goes all the bounty.
To receive the grace, all we have to do is be available.
You can be available by dropping judgment and by trusting what comes your way. Do that, and the ever-present grace will be yours.
Deep spiritual quote #2.
Ma Sarada Devi
The Mother of the Universe is the mother of all. From her have come out both good and evil.
We live in a world of relative reality. What you consider as unwholesome and wrong, has a cause behind it, which you may never know as it is.
So, the mother is not asking you to stop discerning. All she is saying is to drop the hatred; and then take whatever action is required. Because both good and evil come from that creator who is the only absolute.
And whether your reality at the moment includes a beauty or a beast, it has been created for you and by you.
Deep spiritual quote #3.
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Human conduct is ever unreliable until man is anchored in the Divine.
We invent plastic without caring that with a single use, we shall be polluting the earth for 1000 years.
We invent definitions of success only to see young lives succumbing to it because they couldn’t live up to the standards.
We invent chemical and nuclear warfare and put it in the hands of lunatics so the world suffers unscalable disasters.
Call it divine, call it nature, or call it the source from where you came from. The moment you stop being aware that you are part of a meticulous network, you are bound to cause misery to yourself and the world around you.
Deep spiritual quote #4.
Swami Vivekananda
Take Risks in your life, if you win you can lead, if you lose, you can guide.
So many of us don’t pursue what we are passionate about, simply because we don’t want to fail.
We are only coached for winning, so much so that we stop playing unless there is a guarantee for success.
Well, some of the great names in the world were failures before they succeeded. I was a failure in my eyes, not being able to do what I loved until I took a risk and gave up my secure job to find my true calling.
Failure is just that – it is the path to success. And even if you don’t win technically, you shall always be a winner for trying something you thought was worth it. Winning and losing both render you a skill worth passing along.
Deep spiritual quote #5.
Ramana Maharishi
Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.
What is everyone working towards? Look closely and your answer will be ‘happiness’. Never mind what form it takes.
How many have it though? The happiness that is non-fleeting?
We look for it in things, in people, in Oceans and starry nights. Each one of them can only make us happy for a certain period of time.
If you are looking for the ever-lasting kind, turn inwards.
Deep spiritual quote #6.
Swami Sivananda
Desire is Poverty
Was there ever a time, you stopped wanting? This life seems full of it, big or small, but that is what it is, a string of desires.
And as long as you want, the feeling of complete fulfillment is absent.
If you were to stop desiring for only one day and experience what is. Experience life without putting conditions on what else it should be, you will know abundance.
Desire is what keeps you in poverty, maybe not literally always, but mentally for sure. And that mental poverty seeps into all aspects of your life.
Deep spiritual quote #7.
T Krishnamacharya
The moment I say I am a Yogi, I am not a Yogi.
I apologize in advance but we seem to be missing the point a tad too much in the recent past.
The point of being a Yogi.
Sub-qualified people adding ‘ananda’ in their names to get more Yoga students… Do we attain Ananda (bliss) just by adding it to our name? Letting go of all the facades is the point of being a Yogi, not adding one more. If you are qualified, someone else will add it to your name eventually, no need to worry.
Not just in in Yoga but in all fields of work and passion, just follow the path, and do not worry about the titles. If you do it right, the titles will be running behind you.
Deep spiritual quote #8.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Don’t depend on death to liberate you from your imperfections. You are exactly the same after death, you only give up the body. To change, you have to make the effort. This world is the place to do it.
Unfortunately, I have seen them and I have met them too. Heck, I have been one too sometimes in my life – a person who thinks that dying will solve all the problems.
Some leave it all on death to resolve, ‘My problems will end with my death only’. Others live as unhealthy lives as they want, constantly making the excuse of death, ‘All of us are going to die, some may go early, some later, let me live fully (ex. eat mindlessly and invite diseases) till then.’
And some just choose to stop living, thinking they will get a clean slate to start from.
Just that as per Universal law, the journey will start from where you left it. So, none of the above-mentioned ways will help. Now is the time, if you want to do anything to change how your story goes.
Deep spiritual quote #9.
Jiddu Krishnamurthi
Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure, it is in decay.
Not that tradition is wrong, no Sir.
Tradition is a rich fabric woven out of hundreds and thousands of years of experiential wisdom, only to be used wisely.
But when a generation starts to use it as a meaningless ritual, without understanding the meaning of it, it becomes a stupid and cruel society.
Many social practices which I today understand are so significant and absolutely scientific, used to be a pain for me as a kid. I used to rebel against each and every practice that society imposed upon me, in the name of tradition.
For example, women not entering the temples during menstruation in India. Turns out, it is not a hygiene issue at all, but mostly an energy issue.
But the reasons that were given to me were nothing less than pathetic. A sure sign of decay in the society.
Deep spiritual quote #10.
Anandmayi Maa
Reality is beyond speech and thought. Only that which can be expressed in words is being said. But what cannot be put into language is indeed That which IS.
Can you express love in words?
But you have experienced it.
And that experience is like no other! That truth is like no other. But the fact remains, that you cannot express it in words.
Because, how can you? Something so profound, so ecstatic could never fit a language. You can only relish it and bask in its glory like the moonlit night.
Next time you try to negate God or Spirituality or the grace of Guru, think of love.
Time to choose happiness
So, after listening to the stimulating quotes by masters, you will not wallow in dullness.
Times are hard but so are you, and you know grace is always available.
Take your pick as to how you would like to make a difference in your life and get going because this life is your golden chance.
I would love to hear from you more about how these words of great men made a difference in your reality.