Standing yoga poses have a very special and specific place in the science of Yoga. If you are a beginner wondering where to start with, in the myriad choices of yoga asanas, standing yoga poses are your best bet. They give you a more open space to explore the body,...
To get the best results from any practice, it is important to follow its rules. In the same spirit, if you are a yoga practitioner or starting a yoga practice, it is essential to follow the rules for yoga. When we say rules for yoga, we are going to focus on: ...
You are feeling stiff. Your lower back is hurting, your shoulder pads feel like stone and there has been an unexplainable tension around the ankles for some time now. You would like to change the status quo, but with your present energy levels, you are not ready...
You have heard of Yoga. A lot lately. What is so special about it? As you start searching to learn more, you are baffled by looking at pictures of perfect bodies striking astounding postures. ‘I could never reach there! How is that even possible!’ Either that or...
Become the best version of yourself? What is the best version of you? Well, we’ll get to that in a moment but first look at what went wrong. As a child, we had big ideas of what our future was going to be. But by the time we touched that future, we accepted our...