Want a healthier mind and body?

 Yes, I want to be healthierNo, I am OK 

Namaste, this is Roli!

I want to help you live a healthier and happier life.

I started ‘Between the Lotus’ to spread the message of health, happiness, and inclusivity throughYoga.

I have been teaching Yoga to an international audience for over 6 years.

My clients say I was the best discovery in their quest for holistic health in India. They say I have immense knowledge of the subject matter and are deeply touched by my patience, professional teaching style, and a genuine spirit for inclusivity.

A lot of my clients are also Yoga teachers and say that their Yoga practice transformed after learning with me. Some even go the extent to say how wrong they were practicing before they met me and after my classes they are able to put 2 and 2 together to make sense of the practice.

To me, the best part is, all of my clients achieved the goals they came with, whether a healthier body or a healthier mind.

To support my clients achieve a healthier mind and body, I engage all the techniques of Hatha Yoga. And to help them achieve more than what they came for, I focus on cultivating three most important qualities in them


The manifest Universe is made up of three ‘gunas’. These three qualities drive our thoughts, emotions, and behavior. To be driven by purity towards true knowledge and everlasting peace is the quality of SATTVA.



Intellect can only take you that far. To touch the world of unlimited possibilities and bask in the glory of grace, you must SURRENDER.


For 45 years after Buddha got enlightened, till his last breath, he was dedicated to serving humanity by teaching them the techniques to enlightenment. The importance of SERVICE cannot be over-emphasized on the path to Yoga.

If you are still asking,

‘But how did it all start?’, well, here you go!

I was born in India in 1982. Always a non-conformist by nature, I wanted different things than usual and loved to explore.

But with no clear direction in life, I looked for happiness, here, there and everywhere! In money, relationships, building something meaningful, and even creative pursuits! At the end of everything, I always felt a little empty and never fully satisfied.

I had a loving family but a traumatic childhood, a magical relationship but with unreal challenges, and a highly rewarding and glamorous but unfulfilling job. Mental challenges started making me physically sick, and I suffered from an utter lack of meaning in life.

A new beginning

In 2016, between all this, I visited a friend in a Yoga ashram. During one of the practice sessions, I had an experience that left me befuddled. I had practiced Yoga since I was a kid, but for the first time, I realized it touches something beyond body.

After a 10 day stay in the ashram, I went into a natural silence for about 15 days, not feeling like speaking at all but immensely blissed out. Now I knew there was more to life, and started my sadhana (a discipline of practice geared towards continuous growth) seriously.

After one year, in 2017, I quit everything and joined a Yoga teacher training course to go to the depths of Yoga. I completed many intense courses including one where we had to be silent for a month. I stayed in Ashrams for months eating twice a day, living a minimalistic life. And to my surprise, I came out more shining than ever!

I found more than I was looking for, in Yoga! It was the first time, life started making sense and I felt completely alive.

Science of Yoga

The practice of Shatkarmas (Hatha Yoga cleansing), Yama (social disciplines), Niyama (personal disciplines), Asanas (Yoga poses), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), and Dharana (training the mind to become one pointed) transformed me into a new person!

I was born again!

Yoga helped me sort my old, and prepare for the new.

With this newfound peace, I finally took an extended backpacking trip around South East Asia and India. My travels brought me to Varkala, a quaint coastal town with powerful spiritual energy. I settled by the Sea, started writing and teaching Yoga and kept my sadhana.

My health improved drastically, I got rid of many physical diseases (including some that aren’t curable in modern medicine) and mental blocks.

My relationship with my family, my partner, the world, and myself started rapidly transforming for better. And I developed a deep love for nature, animals, and solitude.

Grace upon me

They say, when the disciple is ready, the master appears.

As I continued my sadhana and invested time serving street animals, Baba Neeb Karori took my hand as my Guru and my life changed forever.

Realizing my true purpose

With the words of my Guru, study of the vedic scriptures, and my own experiences, it became clear to me that service without doership is the highest value in human life.
Given my skills and capabilities, I realized that bringing more people on the path of Yoga was the best way I could do that.

I decided to invest all my energies into it, and that is how ‘Between the Lotus’ was formed.


‘Between the Lotus’ is providing value to people looking to live a physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy life for 5 years.

I run online and offline classes and retreats helping people overcome their challenges. We also consistently publish insightful and usable information about how to keep yourself balanced in any given scenario.

The future

A longish stay and experience living with the community in a lifestyle geared towards bringing well- being can really kickstart our journey in the right direction.

To help more people achieve this, I am in the process of opening a Yoga school.
We plan to run Yoga teacher training courses and retreats, along with providing opportunities for service to the community around us.

Me and You!

I hope my story inspires you to move forward in your search for health and fulfillment.

You don’t have to look for magic, just for growth. Step by step, continuous growth, and you will find your magic!
I wish you best of luck! And feel free to leave a comment or questions if you have.

Are you in search of mental or physical health?

If so, this is the right place for you to seek the tools for it. Enjoy!