Do you want a healthier mind & body?

Hey, I’m Roli Jain.

I am  determined to make this world a healthier and happier place. My only question is, will YOU be a part of it?

Yes, I want to be healthierNo, I am completely healthy 

Do you want a healthier mind & body?

Hey, I’m Roli Jain.

I am  determined to make this world a healthier and happier place. My only question is, will YOU be a part of it?

Yes, I want to be healthierNo, I am OK

Who Am I

Namaste, I am Roli Jain

I am an internationally certified Hatha Yoga teacher, E-RYT 500 from Yoga Alliance America. With a rigorous training of 1200 hours, I have learnt the secrets of Hatha Yoga in the Sivananda tradition. I continue to learn Vedanta, world’s most ancient spiritual philosophy that Yoga is based upon, in the Arsha Vidya Gurukul tradition. I have been teaching Yoga to an international audience for more than 6 years and here’s what they say about me:

This experience of Yoga Therapy with Roli was a highlight in my 5 months searching for health. I have chronic fatigue syndrome and a cervical stenosis, not an easy remit for any therapist. Roli is a professional with a genuine desire to promote healing through yoga. She is an excellent teacher and I cannot recommend her more highly.

Lesley, Scotland

Thank you so much for all the wonderful sessions and practices, those were some of the best I had. I learned quite a lot, and will surely continue practicing those in the future. I was particularly touched by the emphasis you put on kindness towards all beings, not just humans. Very highly recommended!

Ytamar, Belgium

I have been practicing yoga for many years but didn’t realize how much wrong I was doing until I came to Roli. My practice has changed a great deal, I am more focused and have generally less aches and pains in my body. I have acquired addiction to Roli’s class.

Vandna, India

A lot of my students are Yoga teachers and very often they end up getting a completely different level of understanding of Yoga from my classes:

Roli is an excellent teacher of yoga philosophy: she’s professional, cultured, rigorous but patient, and very passionate. I attended her lessons for three weeks, and she’s been very inspiring to me

Emanuela, Italy

So happy to have met a real yogini passing on her profound knowledge in many fields of yoga. As a yoga practitioner and teacher, it has helped me to “put 2 and 2 together” and finally put all the theory into practice.

Birgit, Yoga teacher, Germany

Enriching and transformative, my December 2023 classes with Roli on yoga philosophy were eye-opening. Initially clueless about yoga’s depth, Roli’s teachings changed my perspective entirely. Her class is a must for anyone seeking to deepen their practice and gain respect for yoga’s transformative power.

Mina, Scotland

What matters to me the most is that my clients achieve what they came to me for.

The teaching Roli gave was completely adapted to my pathology (Parkinson disease). She also gave me an individual yoga ‘s work program to follow upon my return to France. I recommend Roli for her great professional and human conscience. To this day, she is one of the best yoga teachers I have met.

Anne, France

An excellent teacher with immense knowledge of yoga but also the capacity to adapt to any kind of health issues and always with smile and simplicity. I took classic courses, yognidra, and yoga therapy, and was fully satisfied by each of them. Excellent English as well, which helps a lot!

Elodie, Yoga teacher, Reunion Islands (France)

I would like to thank you for conducting yoga therapy, your patience and the teaching style is amazing. With these private yoga classes , I am relieved from heaviness on my back, which has been persistent for a long time. These therapies are rejuvenating and could obtain a stress free life. Thank you very much for your assistance

Shamli, India

I also write about health and wellness and have been published in some of the leading websites like Lifehack, Medicinal Media, and ThriveGlobal.

Upcoming Events

5 Day Private Couple Retreat with Yoga therapy, Ayurveda and Chakra counselling in Varkala, Kerala

Whether you are starting a new relationship or with each other for a long time, this retreat is the ultimate platform to ensure its success and growth. With you and your partner being the only focus, this is the perfect opportunity for you to open up, heal, understand, and transform your relationship. This is your chance to foster a deeper connection than you already have, with your partner – what we call, conscious love. If you want to book this retreat, write to Roli @  

10 Day Online Yoga Nidra, Meditation, and Stress Management Retreat

Let’s face it, it can be really difficult to make sense out of life sometimes, especially if you are living in the automatic mode. You may try to do the best you can with whatever conditioning you have, but in the process you may often lose track of your happiness. The important thing is, getting back in touch with it. This retreat is for everyone who is struggling with their mind, emotional ups and downs and various life issues that make them feel stuck and helpless. Know more about it here.

10 Day Online Yoga Philosophy Foundation (Intensive)

Having a strong foundational knowledge of Yoga philosophy is crucially important, whether you are an aspiring practitioner or teacher. Practicing or teaching Yoga without understanding its meaning, aims, and, objectives, is like trying to walk in the dark and hoping to reach your destination. Even if you reach, it may take you a lot of time, and it can be dangerous along the way! So, why not make it easy for yourself and your students if you are teacher. Know more about it here.

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